Privacy Policy

Who we are

Our website address is:

Identity: MARE COMBINATOR, SL (hereinafter, “MARCOMBI”).
Address: C/ Francesc Layret, 8. ZIP code: 08750 City: Molins de
Rei (Barcelona)
Phone: 933248899

What do we use the data for?

The following Privacy Policy sets out the terms on which we will treat personal data at MARCOMBI; this includes any personal data collected through our website, as well as any other data we process in the course of our business activities.

MARCOMBI collects the following personal data for the following purposes
purposes indicated below:

  1. Customer data collected on our premises will be used exclusively for the provision of the service.
  2. Candidate data: in the case of conducting job interviews in our offices or sending us your resume by other means, your data will be used to fill possible job vacancies in our company. In the event that you are hired by our company, your personal data will be used exclusively to manage the employment relationship with MARCOMBI.
  3. Social networks: any data that you provide us with or that you may share through the social networks in which MARCOMBI has an active account, will be treated according to the Privacy Policies of each social network. We recommend that you read and review them periodically before interacting with MARCOMBI through the aforementioned social networks.
  4. Data from security cameras: the data collected by our security cameras are intended to ensure the security of the facilities as well as the people who are in them.

How long do we keep your data?

In accordance with current legislation, we inform you how long we will keep your data, which depends on the type of use for which it is intended:

Data collected on our premises will be deleted once the service for which the data was collected has been terminated.

In relation to labor data, these will be processed for the duration of the relationship and once concluded, for the time necessary to respond to possible breaches in this area. In the event that you have sent us your CV or interviewed for a job vacancy, your personal data will be kept on file for a period of one year, after which, if you are not selected, it will be deleted from our systems.

The data collected by our security cameras will be kept for one month, after which they will be deleted, except in those cases in which they must be kept to prove the commission of acts that threaten the integrity of persons, property or facilities.


Below, we inform you what allows us to process your data, depending on the use for which they are intended.

Customer data will be processed by MARECOMBI, as well as those related to workers, for the fulfillment of the contractual relationship.

The legal basis for processing the data of candidates who have sent us their curriculum vitae is the consent of the interested party.

The legal basis for the processing of data captured by our security cameras is the legitimate interest in preventing or, if necessary, investigating possible incidents occurring on the premises.

Transfer of data to third parties

Your personal data will not be transferred to third parties without your consent, except for those service providers with whom we have a service contract in force or where there is a law that obliges MARCOMBI to such transfer of data.

Type of data processed:


  • Name and surname.
  • Mailing address.
  • E-mail.
  • Phone
  • Photo.
  • Academic history.
  • Employment history.

What rights do you have over your data

To revoke the consent given.

  • Access to personal data.
  • Rectify personal data.
  • Delete personal data.
  • File a complaint or a writ for the protection of your rights.
    rights before the Spanish Data Protection Agency.
  • Be informed of any security incident that
    may affect their rights.
  • Limitation of treatment.
  • Portability.